A Nocturne in Z Minor

I was found dead like a starry eyed kid
until they ended up pulling up my jaw
for tarantula arms broke the seams of my teeth at te opera-opera-opera
And then they said
my seaside spine had stuttered love to the moon in the afternoon at nine
I fell asleep without the elements
so my head kept spinging tonight tonght and Oh!

The w-w-w-wizened spooks of my head in passing
drink from eyes as ashen as a torn cigarette
my ill assorted limbs dissemble us and our broken silhuoettes

So Build them God or suicidal puppets of the last time
you and I felt this good
A rush of blood to the head
I wouldn't be caught dead here with you again

And when theres n-n-n-nothing left living for
There always the sea outside your door
covered in scores of the wasteful poetry you wrote when you were in some form of love
So when theres n-n-n-noxious pallid friends knocking on the front of your door
Anastasia retinal detachments mixed with the serenity of titanic
will create a choroid with perforated panoramic pictures
Knowing my heart, I know my head is lying this time