Screw You. Haha.

Oh, you want to be friends now?
No, I totally forgive you for breaking my heart!
What, you thought I was mad at you?
Dude, that is so crazy!

Of course I don’t think you are a douche bag!
I understand that after three years you realized you didn’t love me.
Yeah, it happens all the time…
Right, that couple we met once…
Hold up, they didn’t break up.
Actually I think they got married, yup.

O.M.G I forgot how friggen hilarious you are.
Whoa, that girl is smokin.
Should you try to get her digits?
Sure dog, cause like we didn’t just break up…
Did I think it was hot when you asked for my number?
Um, you know what I’m just going to go er…
Throw up, oh look you are already gone. Cool.

Holy cow you hooked up with her at that party?
Hmm, I bet she is a great kisser. Gag.
You’re kidding; you’re going out with her on Saturday?!
Congradu-freaking-lations bud!
Am I jealous?
Why the heck would I be jealous?
I sound upset…that’s crazy I am so happy for you!
You’re moving on…so…fast.
Ah look, you’re already gone. Sweet.

In my mind I’m totally not flipping you off.
My dreams aren’t about cursing you out!
I have not thought about pulling out that girls weave…
I can’t believe you would even suggest that.
Crap, look I was crossing my fingers.
Now would be the time to call me a liar.
Cause I totally am.

Screw you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just came up with this when I was thinking about someone...hmm wonder who? haha. Comment?