Bruses on my fface,
Cuts on my arms,
tears down my cheaks,
Really this pain isent goining anywere,
It always comes back,
Like your hand commig up for a smack,

My voice is shot from crying,
My hair falling out from ripping,
My make up almost gone,
Really this pain isent going any were,
Its always going to come back,
Like your hand for a smack,

Your fist all ripped from punching,
Your feet all swollen from kicking,
Your voice all proud and loud from yelling,
Your teeth all bloodey from biting,
The pain you feel is empty,
You really dont feel bad?

You look at me and smile,
I look at you and grin,
You stare at me and focuse,
I stare at you and i win!
My hand comes up with a pistal in place,
No more beating me up or pulling on my hair,
I put it to your head and say,