Heartfelt Words

Tracing the letters upon the page
Her words spelling of raw emotion
A soul poured into the words of rage
Heartfelt words so grim

Clarity unlike the waters that run
Are her songs of life and the soul
Solemnity beneath the hidden that weighs a ton
Heartfelt words so grim

She wonders what it means
To have her words upon the page
Spilling blood into the pen with what it seems
Heartfelt words so grim

Reaching out into the light
Words in blood scrawled in darkness
She falls into a deep slumber without a fight
Heartfelt words so grim

The suicide note waits on the nightstand
Lying there, the girl is cold
No longer writing, no words to withstand
Heartfelt words so grim
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this one during the summer.