Dirt-Forsaken Town

My Id tells me I love you
And my heart beats out the same
In a steady, steady Morse code
It pounds out of my
Chest, into the street
Down the road and across the town
Up to your white front door
Where it stains and reds the wood
And tosses gravel to your window
Until you open up the portal
Your lovely head peeks through the air
And asks me to quietly cut it out
But you know you want more of it
And you know what it’s about,

“It’s more important than you,
It’s more important than me,
It’s more important than anyone in this
Dirt-forsaken town we call our home.”

Her ego tells her it’s not sure
But her heart tells her otherwise
In a cacophonous aural display
It breaks free out of its
Cage to alert its provider
Out of bed and to the mirror
There’s footsteps on the doorstep
A fleshy thump at the front door
Loud clacks repeat onto her window
Until she opens up the paned glass
Gazes into the calm night air
Says, “hey, wouldya cut that out?”
“I want more, but they’ll hear you.”
I think I know what it’s about…

“Is it more important than me?
What could be more important than you?
I guess it’s more important than anyone
In this dirt-forsaken town we call our home.”

I say, “We’re more important than you,
And You’re more important than me,
We’re more important than anyone
In this dirt-forsaken town we used to call our home.”