I just hate goodbyes

I just hate the last goodbyes,
That we always have to say,
when One of us goes to leave the other,
I just hate the awkward silence,
As you turn to leave,
Trying to hide that mascara streaking tear,
That you shed as you walk away,

Please I just want you to know,
You will always be with me,
Nothing will change between us,
near or far away,
till death do we part,
Till death do we part,
This friendship is forever,
we will never change,
No we will never change,

you have your own issues,
to worry about,
without mine,
no need to mourn,
No need to weep,
As I watch you walk away,

But inside,
Im Wanting you to come back,
Wanting you to stay here,
With me,
I'll miss you,

As your walking away,
I feel myself break,
a piece of me has gone,
Untill I see you again,
I just hate those last goodbyes....