Dry your tears

One child in the middle,
Pain and anguish filled
One wish out of a thousand that many want granted,
But in a world of want ,want ,want
Who cares about one child,
One life,
One pain,
One hurt,
One tear.

One of many tears are shed,
Scars to remember the fear and dread
Why? Why? The people cry,
Is it this time
Am I going to die
I am lucky this time, only one broke rib
But how am I going to fib
No one would believe my lie after the first
I wish I could close my eyes and lie in peace for the rest of time

After every hit more tears come
"stop your tears" he shouts once more
But how can I, it hurts
Am I such a failure?
Do I deserve these burns
This time its the end , I feel myself fade away
I'm a shadow in history
A small grave in a cemetry.