
Memories will come and some will go,
The memories of you will always stay.
As I walk down the hall you lead me,
I think of all our memories.

Memories back when time stood still,
Back when all the times were a thrill.
Back to when life was good,
Back to when we had it all.

The present looks heartbreaking,
Heartbreak all around us.
We broke each others heart,
Yours broke deeper than mine.

The future looks dim,
Dim as the lighting in this place.
This place that you've brought me,
My last living memory.

As you sit me in a chair I begin to cry,
As you tie my hands I start asking why,
As you tie my feet I start to pray.
As you untie my blindfold I begin to see things clear.

I see the dark dungen you taken to,
I see the rats on the floor,
I see the knife in your hand,
I see my life play before my eyes.

Near the end of movie of my life,
I feel the sharp pain of death come into me,
I feel the sharp pain of heartbreak eat at me,
I feel the shapr pain of the knife terar at my skin.

Death is so close now,
I can taste,
I can feel it,
I can see it,
I can hear it.

I can hear my own screams,
I can see you hover over me.
I can feel you throwing and ripping the knife at me,
I can taste the blood on my mouth.

Darkness is here,
I can no longer hear my own screams,
I can no longer see your beautiful face,
I can no longer feel the knife in my abdomin,
I can no longer taste the blood.
♠ ♠ ♠
wrote this from a different poem I had