Blood Stained Roses

I will always be picking roses for you.

My fingers wrap around the stem,
Thorns tearing into my skin,
I cringe at the sweet pain,
Something noticing me for once,
Caring enough to give me something,

I rip it out of the ground.
Thorns eating the skin of my palms,
Leaving the gashes of their victory.

Yes, flower, you have won.

You are wanted.

The blood is gushing now.
It is barely noticed,
As I repeat the process.

I'm almost done,
I can barely stand it.
My checks are wet,
Then again, when are they dry?

Finished, a dozen roses for you,
Covered with my blood.
Smothered in my love.

On your doorstep they lay,
I ring your doorbell,
And run, sadness carrying me away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this as a result of a bad day.

She won't like me mentioning this, but the last line and a few corrections is credited to <a href="">Talia</a> "And run, sadness carrying me away." Amazing writer that girl.

Enjoy the drippings of my heart. <3