happy birthday mom

Happy Birthday Mom,
Today was your birthday.
Your very special day.
Are you one hundred and one?
Or are you just twenty one?
It does not matter because you are my Mom.
If you were old I would have you in a retirement house,
but you are not.
So be thankful of that!

Just think I could put you in one like that,
I could say you are sane, or crazy, or both.
And you would be in a padded cell.
I know you can still take me down,
For that I am afraid of you.
But even if I am shaking with fear,
I will remember what I can do to you later on.

According to this poem it may sound like I am trying to get rid of you,
That is 100% correct.
But why would I do that?
If I got rid of you who would do my laundry?
Or make my meals?
Buy my clothes?
Care for me?
Love me?

Without you I might be some bum on the street.
You give me a roof over my head,
Which some can not afford.
We always have food in the cupboard.
I can actually change my clothes each and every day,
That when I get it back it is fresh and clean.

I know it has been hard for you money wise,
When we separated from dad.
You have always bought what was needed and paid the bills.
You went out to buy me the best gifts ever.
I am not made of money and I did not even get you a gift.
So this is my gift to you,
A poem to show how much I need and love you.

It will be different when we move in with Ron,
To have him as a male role model.
No he won’t take the place of dad,
I know that is not his goal.
To have a new sister will be awesome and annoying.
I already have one to many.
I will look up to her because she is family.
If necessary I will be there for her like I know she will be there for me.

I know I don’t say it often,
Every now and then,
Or when I am sucking up for something.
But I love you Mom!
No I am not sucking up for something,
But just for this I should.
I put every ounce of will I had into this.
I know I should of used it on my school work,
But you deserve all of it after all the work you have put into me.

I don’t have much left to say for I think I have covered everything.
Feel free to tell everyone you know about this poem.
If you have not figured out yet I love poetry.
But most of all I love writing it for you.
There is just one thing left to say,
That is “I love you”,
And happy birthday you old fart.
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i love you mom