Shakespearen ***

Are you avised to such a fate?
With bale in the air and illegal tastes
Shall we baffle the forgotten love?
As the bestraught enters the gate

Behest the bullets to go in the head
The braid laughs at the date
As you cipher the hidden code
Your husband turns out to be very late

Soon the curst lady goes to bed
Pissed off with no way to mend
Maybe he fobbed, maybe he's dead
Dead is the correct word in the end

He enters the house with a story to tell
A hardiment was something he knew very well
He gallowed the lady with his gun
The gastness caused her confidence to run

He pocketed the jewelry with chaste intentions
A fracted man with a plausive hand
He wasn't peevish when he threw the weapon
A knife he decided to use instead

He succeeded in killing the man
The girl was already dead lying in bed
He was an undertaker, wouldn't you understand?
The couple paid the toll for rejecting the boss's original plan
♠ ♠ ♠

Do you know such a fate?
With evil in the air and illegal tastes?
Shall we disgrace the forgotten love?
As the distraught enters the gate?

Command the bullets to go in the head
The deceitful laughs at the date
As you decipher the hidden code
Your husband turns out to be very late

Soon the bad-tempered lady goes to bed
Pissed off with no way to mend
Maybe he cheated/deceived, maybe he's dead
Dead is the correct word in the end

He enters the house with a story to tell
A daring deed was something he knew very well
He frightened the lady with his gun
The terror caused her confidence to run

He pocketed the jewelry with honest intentions
A broken man with a persuasive hand
He wasn't childish when he threw the weapon
A knife he decided to use instead

He succeeded in killing the man
The girl was already dead lying in bed
He was an agent, wouldn't you understand?
The couple paid the price for rejecting the boss's original plan