One More Minute

It’s quiet in here, and we’re all alone
We’re finally together after hours on the phone

Could I have just one more minute with you?

We’re both asleep, happy in our dreams
Separate, but still together it seems

Could I have just one more minute with you?

Lying on my chest, you hear my heartbeat
It’s all you hear, but it’s still so discrete

Could I have just one more minute with you?

I move an inch, you tense and won’t let me go
I want to wrap my arms around you though

Could I have just one more minute with you?

People stare and whisper as they pass
I know this later will be gossip in class

Could I have just one more minute with you?

But we don’t care, it’s just us two
Please don’t leave, not just yet…

Could I have just one more minute with you?