
Some of you who know me
Will be sitting there thinking
What the hell Beth, sunsets?
Are you sure you haven't been drinking?
Because it’s not what I usually write about
My poetry is quite depressing
It tells stories of loners and broken hearts
Blatantly my popularity is digressing
God I just realised
I just got way off topic
I’m so sorry that the title lied
So let’s get on with this limerick

It is 5pm
Inside my home
But the sky outside
Tells a story of its own
It is 6pm
The sky turns red
I look around
Everything is dead
It is 6:05
The sky turns orange
The wildlife scamper around
Looking for food to scavenge
It is 6:10
The sky turns yellow
I ponder at the horizon
Is there anything bellow?
It is 6:15
The sky turns green
The trees sway silently
A sight I had never seen
It is 6:20
The sky turns blue
But not the colour of the day
It is a shade we are not used to
It is 6:25
The sky turns indigo
The atmosphere eases
The sun has lost its ego
It is now 6:30
The sky has turned black
It is the end so admire it
Gawp in awe as the day is swept back
♠ ♠ ♠
Seriously, don't ask xD