
Why am I so frozen now
A chill that seeps and sinks down
Sliding in, Through my skin
And layers of my essence
I feel the freezing presence

And the chill's teeth find their way
To it's path, can I be saved?
Hiding fast, Will this last
Now comes the very worst part
Now comes the bite to my heart

Its freezing now, I'm frozen
I'm sleeping while its growing
I'm losing me, its chosen
My heart but will you know it?

And in my falling darkness
I see a light, it sparks this
Getting warm, The light swarms
around me and I see you
Your smiling face I need you

We talked for what seemed a moment
but hours past, I didn't know it
Reaching out, To the sound
Of your voice and playing fingers
and the thought of you, it lingers

Im warming up, I'm warming
Because you are so charming
This love for you is forming
You're warming me, you're warming

No longer freezing now, not frozen
I won't sleep I'll stop its growing
I'm finding me, I've chosen
Your heart and soon you'll know it