Guys Are Monsters

Broken glass hearts
And ice shaped tears
All shattered
And strewn across the floor

No one deserves
This kind of hurt
Everyone just wants
Someone to love them

Baby, please don't cry
I know your pain
But don't look so weak
'Cause the monster feeds off that

Little girl
Just your head up high
Make him think
That you don't cry

He's the monster
Who feeds off pain
So don't let him see
The tears you cry

Baby, please don't cry
I know your pain
But don't look so weak
'Cause the monster feeds off that

One day
He'll know what it's like
He'll feel your pain
And he'll say sorry
And that he'll never do it again...
But that's a lie

Baby, please don't cry
I know your pain
But don't look so weak
'Cause the monster feeds off that
♠ ♠ ♠
Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssee comment. As a writer I would like to know your thoughts on this. For those people who think my poems are song lyrics, they are song lyrics. I don't write poems. I write songs. But since they don't have a section for songs, I put them under poems. So now there is no more confusion.