
Memories fade
Just like clothing
That has been washed
Way to many times

He's sad
And all alone
Why doesn't somebody
Please give him a home

You think your life is bad
Well look at the way
That other people
Have to live
And they don't even ask for pity

All she wants
Is someone to love her
She's just a poor girl
All alone in this world

They don't care
About material things
Or about gossip
And what people have to say

You think your life is bad
Well look at the way
That other people
Have to live
And they don't even ask for pity

Please tell me
Why you think
You should be
The center of attention

You think your life is bad
Well look at the way
That other people
Have to live
And they don't even ask for pity
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment! I want to know your opinions!!