My Domain.

From afar I hear your laughter
Secretly I watch you,
How I wish you'd look after and see
What I'd do for you 
Me in my domain

You and her together
What happened to our forever?
Deep in love
I am unworthy of
You in my domain

You once gareenteed to me
How'd we'd always be
Yet here I am alone again,
Here in my domain

As you look upon me with distain
I can't maintain this wicked curse
Alone in my domain

As I wither here under your glare
Your wretched stare
Here in my domain

I have to let you go
I love you here in my domain. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol another product of boredum. I'm not sure if it's good, but I would like feedback if possible.