Before And After

Before(Writen by my friend)
When I lay down to sleep
Your face is the first thing I see
Always dreading the morning beep
Hoping to never see you bleed

Your face is the first thing I see
Your piercing eyes see into my soul
Hoping to see you never bleed
As I stare into my empty cereal bowl

Your piercing eyes stare into my soul
I don't eat too much cause I know it's what you want
As I stare into my empty cereal bowl
My family doesn't understand, especially my aunt

I don't eat much cause I know its what you want
Cause all you care about is skinny, tan, and blonde,
My family doesn't understand, especially my aunt
Cause all you are is the ruler of my heart.

After(Writen by me :)
When times are tough
You'll never make things better
I know break ups are rough
Even if you break up through a letter

You'll never make things better
I'd wish you'd stop talking to me
Even if you break up through a letter
And I hope you get stung by a bee

I'd wish you'd stop talkin to me
You make everything worse
And I hope you get stung by a bee

You make everything worse
As you just lie
You make me so mad I burst
I can't wait to say GOODBYE!
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this for an assignment, and I loved it so much I had to put it up here. :)
Tell me if you liked it.
And I'll write more after this if I get enough people saying that they liked it.