We are all we are!

on and on i said
We are all ,all we are
but they didnt listen
knocked to the ground again
a blow to the stomach
a kick to the head
rocks hitting every inch off my boddy
shoes with the toughest of all feet inside
crashing into my skull
bloods rushing
but i didnt notice something as i was falling down,
you were coming with me!
the rthym of the fists
the rhtym of the kicks
the rhythm of our hearts
is turning into a sickly song
but i wont let the song of our hearts take us
so i get up and i show them
i show them how much i love you
i didnt meen to show you that side of me but
i couldnt let you go not yet not ever
so on and on i hit!
i fought,
i fought back
the greatest feeling to show my love for you
We are all we are
and now one can stop us now
because were standing up tall and not letting them see our backs
because we made it out of the mess i swear
so on and on well live
Because we are all we are!