Your Lullaby

So sing me a song,
Sing me your summer lullaby,
Full of fresh and bright sunny days,
Full of love, happiness and the best of friends.

So sing me a song,
Filled with friendship, love and romance,
Quiet breezy evening, enjoying one another's company.
Enjoying the days that pass by full of happiness and smiles.

So sing me a song,
Filled with heartbreak, tears and sadness,
Days where you just give up and don't care.
Throwing all you've got left away for that one person that matters.
Those days are the absolute worst.

So sing me a song,
A lullaby to fall asleep to,
Filled with forgiveness, happiness and love once more.
Days where that beautiful smile is back on your face.
And you're ready for anything that the world throws at you.

So baby; sing me a song.
Sing me your lullaby.
♠ ♠ ♠
I do poems for my girlfriend always <3