The Weekend

It's Monday morning
And I can't wait to see you
You are everything
I've been looking for

Tuesday, your on my mind
The whole day through
And the hours drag on
'Till we are alone

Oh I can't wait
The weekends
Are my favorite days
Of the whole week
'Cause I get to spend
Them with you

Wednesday, I'm impatient
I see you at school
But that's so
Not enough for me

By Thursday
There's only a little while to go
But the days
Pass by so slowly

Oh I can't wait
The weekends
Are my favorite days
Of the whole week
'Cause I get to spend
Them with you

It's Friday
Oh my God finally
Only 24 more hours
'Till there's 2 days
Just for me and you

Oh I can't wait
The weekends
Are my favorite days
Of the whole week
'Cause I get to spend
Them with you
♠ ♠ ♠
People who read this please comment!!!!!!! I'd like to know your opinions!!!!!!!!!!!:D