He was my everything

She stands in the rain in her momma's old coat,
Her tears mixing with raindrops on her cheek,
A little girl, looks just like her, walks up to tug on her sleeve,
says "Lissa why you cryin'? He'll come back one day.",
She closed her eyes and smiled weakly,
The little girl started crying and said, "I miss him too!"
Lissa opened her eyes, said, "Katie Don't cry, I know, you're trying your hardest, and the hardest part is letting go, he can't come back, he can't play any more...'
And with that, they walked away from his old house,
they started home, but secretly She wished she could have gone with him,
She told her self that night,
'He was my everything, my best friend,
my shoulder to cry on,
He was my life,
he was my air,
he was always there,
He was my everything,
the only thing I had,
and now he's gone,
he was my everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
I kno, Sucks, but I was bored.