Silly Willy that Tricky Niki

A dark lit forest,
Mossy oak trees stand tall,
Here I am, hidden safe.

Glidding smoothly through,
Water warm, crisp, aqua blue.
The sea is his home.

(this one sucks!)
Twirling, whirling leaf.
Dancing, prancing, mesmerizing leaf.
You fall so peacefully.

Thumping through my ears,
Pumping through my every vein,
Stunting my last line....

One white, fuzzy, single sock,
Where is your partner little sock?
Not needed here, sock?

That lost, missing sock?
That "got tossed", forgotten sock?
Oh where is my sock??
♠ ♠ ♠
OKAY! Don't ask, i had no clue what to write about so i did the first thing that came to find, and yes, I have lost my other sock - poor thingy! Lost forever! :'(