
The light is shining in my face
their words were left without a trace.

So many questions left in my head,
He wants to hurt me he wants me dead.

His twisted thoughts, his retched brain.
He's at the point where his metally insane.

I hate him for all that he's done,
All these games and tricks he's pulled, he finds 'fun'

Dirt & scum is what hes made of.
Hate and pain is what he lives off of.
He's so evil he would even harm a dove.

He will never stop at sanity, he will love for insanity.
He thrives on our anger
He eats off of our pain

I want him dead and gone,
Somebody break him, and take his bond.

Why wont they see what he has become,
can't they see who he is
what he is
and what he's done?