
Reach out, as far as my arms will let me.
There is nothing here. Just me.
Here I find serenity.

The wind wisps through my hair. Between my fingers.
It blows against my face,
So fast, so hard,
Almost brings a tear to my eye.

Life was easy then,
So innocent and new. I didn’t have a care in the world;
No reservations, no worries.
Most importantly, no fear.

Finally. Those days are over,
And once again, I find myself back in this place.
The place I’ve been too many times before.

At a young age was when I first took flight.
Yet I still soar.
All my life. As far back as I remember,
I’ve been flying.
A constant search for something true.
Something real.

One more time curiously brought me down.
Down hard.
I have been shot down, captured caged and tortured,
Only for the amusement of another.
Yet somehow, I am able to find my way back to freedom.

All I take is what I need.
My heart, my soul, my knowledge, my pride.
As I travel where the wind takes me.

I have licked my wounds.
I am strong now,
Stronger than ever before.
I am wise now,
Wiser than ever before.

In this constant battle within myself,
Searching for a flicker of light in the vast darkness,
An angel amongst the demons.

I finally land.
I’ve landed to feel the earth between my toes,
To tuck these wings away,
And to once and for all be free.
♠ ♠ ♠
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