I'm a bit

I'm a bit*h.
why am I now just figuring this out?

I'm a bit*h.
Have I always been this way?

I'm a bit*h.
Why am I so mean?

I'm a bit*h.
It is hatrd and anger, or a tolerance for bullsh*t?

I'm a bit*h.
It's gotta be a tolerance for bullsh*t.

I'm a bit*h.
It has to be, I could never hate him.

I'm a bit*h.
But if it's a tolerance, it's quite low.

I'm a bit*h.
Do I really have anger problems?

I'm a bit*h.
She says I do--And she's my bestfriend.

I'm a bit*h.
I just get so aggervated--over the stupidest shit.

I'm a bit*h.
I break, throw, and hit things when I'm mad.

I'm a bit*h.
Most people I know, don't.

I'm a bit*h.
Maybe, I just have problems in general.

I'm a bit*h.
There isn't bipolar in the family.

I'm a bit*h.
So why does it seem like I have it?

I'm a bit*h.
I don't know--Does anyone anymore?