Envisioning You (Television's Facade)

Darkness fills the room,
as you pull me close.
The only light I see
is the television reflecting
in those warm eyes I love.

It glows on your face,
but I know it’s only bringing out
what was already there;
this happiness is as contagious
as the smile you put on my face.

Your heart is beating
in time with mine;
you can’t hear it,
but I can… feel you, hear you.
God, I love you.

The television is just a façade:
only there to distract you
so I can think about your gentle touch,
your adorable laugh, your goofy grin,
and the heart you stole away.

The commercials flicker on,
and then you’re focused on me…
my weakness, my fatal flaw,
and your favorite pastime –
kisses&tickling all night long.