They Drive Me Mad Sometimes

These words they come off the top of my head
Anticipation; a book waiting to be read
My life, my thoughts, my fears, my not so perfect moments
All typed or written neatly to fill my own story book
So when i'm gone and everyones assumptions are wrong and they realize I was never okay
Nor will I ever be, okay.

These thoughts of self mutilations and blank expressions
They all form into words inside my head
Then I put them here to be read
And then you see, you begin to really know me

Who I am
What I think
How I feel
You read; and you don't blink
You go into shock
Or maybe tears
So many words; so many years

These letters

Je suis stupid
Je suis creative
Je suis intellegente

Now its french
What is wrong

I feel i'm going insane
With words their driving me mad
What the hell am I to do
Just keep writing
I'm sure that will begin to bore you
And then i'll feel as if I need to ignore the right thing to do
And go the wrong way

Words are great
Words are fun
And now im gone
So I believe they've won