The water sparkled crystal clear
It fell from rock to soaking rock
The splashing sound a defining roar
The squelching mud was much too soft

The child sat by the waters edge
Feet trailing with the waters flow
If anyone was to creep up on him
He would never even know

A plane flew overhead
The troops are out to battle
The raging war kills many poor
The tortured screams echo in my dreams

Yet here I am watching from the sidelines
A child seemingly unaltered by this war
His wide innocent face
Staring into outer space
Declares that there must be something moreā€¦...

To this world and to these lives
Why must we rage and fight and die?
Surely there is a better way
To keep the peace
We must hope and pray

Above the sky is ready to fall
The thunderous clouds, ready to roar
The child escaped wanting no more
It was then that the sky tore