Nothing For Now

Do you see me?
I know I'm here,
but can you tell?
Do you know what I am?
I'm a girl,
but can you see that?
You must because the way you touch me
is too delicate for the way
a guy would touch another guy
If he would at all.
So, you see me,
and you know what I am,
so why do you constantly do this?
we flirt, but thats all,
and I fear that liking you
is like smoking
bad for you
for me, I mean
for us
but you are like nicotine
and my life is the patch
but quitting cold turkey
doesn't work for me
it never has when it comes to boys
but who says I want to quit?
its like I love this pain
a little too much
yea, I like my heart all busted up
who am I kidding?
I could never quit you
I couldn't even try if I wanted to
so I think I'll just keep trying
until you realize
and tell me
exactly what I am
and then I'll tell you
how I feel
and maybe even show you this.