First Steps

Baby Girl is frowning,
her faint eyebrows knit
in mild frustration
as her fingers tighten their grip.

She feels herself pulled up,
and, looking into her hero's eyes,
she feels stronger,
determined, excited.

He smiles, and it reaches his eyes.
She hears another calling her,
the voice soft and encouraging.
Baby Girl looks, laughs,

and she walks;
on wobbly, chubby legs,
her tiny feet move forward slowly,
her smile faltering only to focus.

Her brown eyes gaze upward, proud.
She feels her hero let go;
she's walking on her own
towards the gentle voice's open arms.

There is laughter, joyful coos,
and she's swept up into the familiar embrace;
she giggles, claps, and smiles
much too widely for her precious face.

Her feet meet the soft rug again,
and she's running from the voice and hero,
eagerly seeking out an adventure,
smiling the whole way.