Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the rabbit hole...
Down I wish I'd go.
Where life is beautiful, and kind.
Where life isn't about being a simple mind.
I wish everyday it'd turn out like this
With a wonderland like that, who could resist?

I dream about falling, down,down and down
Down a well that leads to a place with barely a frown.
That some way happiness would surpass sadness
And that cheerfulness would surpass loneliness.
Where the sky is always blue at day,
and the sky is always black at night.
I just wish life were a wonderland
Where problems were only for those who cause fright.

You know what I mean?
Just to fall down a deep deep hole
To rise up standing tall and happy
Well, guess what?
It already exists, wow...
Life is already sometimes a wonderland
for those who deserve it.
Sometimes you rise up and stand proud and tall.
It happens, right?

Not for everyone.
I just happen to be someone
Who doesn't deserve it.
I'm a Hatter in a land of Cards
Cannot move from one place,
Stuck for eternity.
I just wish...that this particular hatter
Would find a rabbit hole..
And down down I'd go...

To wonderland...
♠ ♠ ♠
I just...want life to be easier. Doesn't everyone?