Suicide Note

Listen up my friends, this is my final farewell.
I have been falling, and I have finally fell.
Look at that girl, see her smile?
But you don't realize I was so guile.
The blood on the ground is proof to show
That who I am, is someone you will never know.
I hurt too many people, too many to count.
And to nothing, is what I will amount.
I'm sorry my friends, but this has to be.
I really wish I could make you see
These visions of horrors that hide behind my eyes
I said I was happy, but I am good with my lies
I lied to you, and I hope that you forgive me.
I tried to do what I could for you, I hope you agree
I'm letting go, I can't take it anymore
I'm going to close the blinds, and lock the door
And gently and easily fall asleep.
Please don't cry, I don't want you to weep.
I want you to smile when you think of my name
And maybe remember that because of me, you aren't the same.
Think about all of the great times we had together
When we talked about life, and even the weather ;)
When we had those deep discussions about love and hate
All of those times you complained about your weight
Think about how I could always make you laugh
What about my purple giraffe?
So here it comes, I've reached the end
I finally can be me, and not have to pretend
I'm going away for a long, long time.
I'm sorry if you think this is some kind of crime
I have been looking for a way to release
So now maybe, I'll be able to rest in peace?