What a lie.

If someone were to ask
Where I'd be in three years
I would tell them
With out a doubt
I'd still be with you
But it's been three years
A lot has changed
Including me and you
Now all these 'what if's'
Come to my head
What if I never broke up with you?
What if I never choose him over you?
Would we still be together today?
Would we be the people we are today?
You were my first love,
My only love
But we lived too far away
We barely saw each other
And he liked me
I should have known
It would turn out like this.
You hate me,
He hates me,
I hate me
I can remember everything about you
I can remember when we met
I can remember our first kiss
I still have your pictures
I still have your gifts
I keep imagining
you calling me.
He came over yesterday
It wasn't the same.
I wanted it to be you
But that won't come true.
Why do I put myself through torture?
Why can't I get over you?
Why am I stuck listening to love songs?
Why why why?
I love you.
I always had and I always will.
But I've realized that I can't think of what if's.
I can't keep hoping.
I can't keep imagining.
I can't keep thinking of you
Because, it did happen.
If it was meant to be then it will be
I don't want to
But I have to.
I have to get over you
So here's this poem
From me to you
I've finally gotten over you
I've finally stopped thinking of you
I've finally stopped hoping and wondering
I've finally stopped loving you...
What a lie.
♠ ♠ ♠
To my first and only love.