My Little Monster

When you finally start to feel
your life being pulled apart
what do you do?
Do you you sit there and watch?
Do you sit there and cry?

When the little white pills
are the only way to gain comfort
what do you do?
Do you stand there and scream?
Do you stand there and take it?

When the little monsters of mind and heart
start to take over
what do you do?
Do you give up and die?
Or do you die trying?

Do you give up your fight?
Do you give up your life?
Do you back down and watch
everything you've worked for fall?

Or do you stand up?
Do you take back what once was yours?
Do you try to live through to pain?
Do you tell your little monster to go away?

Don't believe that you can't overcome
the agony, the hurt, the everything.
You can rebuild your life, you can rebuild your heart.
You can rebuild yourself.
You can tell your little monster to leave.