Burning letter

I started at the table. I reached for my
Purse and I pulled out a love letter
Written for me. I shoved
It into the fire: boom,
A huge blast of red
Fire. I pulled back my hand.
The fire jumped almost burning my hand.
It tugged and tugged at my
Hand, the fire teased me with brilliant red
I cried, it was the letter
From the one man who ever loved me, boom
The fire crackled again, I shoved
My hand away, I shoved
Any love out, my hands
Groped for any love left, but with a boom
My love vanished, only my
Broken heart, let her
Rot alone, no red
No love bright red
Love to shove
My hart into darkness, my hand
Reaching for a ray of light, my
Eyes clouded from mistakes, bloom
My love, bloom
Again, no more red
Anguish, anguish for my
Lost ones, who shoved
Their lives away, leaving my hand
With nothing to grasp, let us
Mourn for people past, let us
Love again, let us bloom
Not shrivel up, hand
Us to the lighted path, with red
Spilling over, shove
The burning crimson, my
Love shall never end

Away with letter, away with doom
Hand me the red
Shove me my peace with death