Grey Boys

Walk on, Grey Boys, walk on
With that gangsta strut you've mastered,
Those winking eyes and that arrogant smirk.

Shrug your broad shoulders
With indifference.
Put on your do-rag and lounge back in your velvet seat.
When we speak to you,
Hear nothing.
When we spoil you with things and affection,
Take them without reciprocation.
And when we crave your attention,
Shade your emotionless eyes.
We're fine.

Always get what you want, Grey Boys,
And never what we need.
Live as if we don't exist.
Never care.
We're fine.

Don't think twice about what we feel,
Or ever let it cross your mind.
We're fine.

We will always protect you.
Always provide for you.
Always take risks for you.
And when the time comes for judgment,
For one to leave and never look back,
It will not be any of us.
We'll whisper, "We love you,"
To the Grey Boys that walk on,
Walk on.
We're fine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oddly enough, I was thinking of Tom Kaulitz when I wrote this xD