Introducing, the Real Me. Trust Me, You Don't Know Him.

Fuck it, come see, the real me.
The carnival of the bad apple, the asshole.
Walk in, tickets are free.
I'm that guy who takes glee
In smashing in your knees,
And burning emotional holes in your chest,
With venom I spit through my crooked teeth.
Come undone with me,
I'll oil spill right into your heart,
And leave your emotions with incurable infectious mental disease.
I should have a warning sign,
Large, on me with big letters in green,
That says:

Hi, I'm an asshole,
Don't say "hey"
Go away before I get to you,
and take your heart away,
and break
it into little pieces.

You better not stay, and wait,
Around me, I just-
Don't understand, what I display,
That you see in me. I'm not even trying to play,

The real me is an asshole.
You should probably run away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I made this after I hurt a girl (emotionally of course) that I had been telling to not continue going for me because i'm an asshole. She never believed me until one night I was annoyed and got in a fight with her and she called me an asshole. About time she realized it.