Your Guiding Light.

I know he left you alone on this earth 
But not by choice, just fated by birth

His morbid end was long ago
But you can't seem to let him go 

I've watched you struggle night and day 
The feelings of lonliness strong at bay

I know the cure to all your pain
The antidote to keep you mostly sane

If you listen to my words
You may escape the neverending herds

A place of peace, free of death
So beautiful it'll surely steal your shallow breaths 

Follow the path on down the road
Unless your feelings begin to forbode

For around the bend you will see
There lies your fate and destiny

Many hardships will lie ahead
And the viciuos promenading dead

Beware their corrosive, violent touch
Or they will bestow their cursed crutch

If you wish to keep your soul alive
Follow my words and you will thrive

For I am your shining star, your guiding light 
Here to lead you through the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is by Kadijah.