I WONT SEE YOU AGAIN - BEWARE is quite long, if you dont read it all i dont blame you, please feel free to leave comments

I loved you more than I ever said
With all my heart and all my soul
Now there is a hole in my life
One that can never be filled

All those hours I spent with you
Those days those months those weeks and years
I grew to know you as you were
Your kindness, your generosity, you with no fears

Though I never knew much from your past
And now that you are gone
I’m finding out things that I should have known
About your life before I was born

You lived to the ripe age of eighty-four
I knew you for only fifteen of those years
I know that your life was hard
But you were strong through all those years

You grew up with a strict old dad
And married a kind young man
Six children you did create
Then your man went off to war

Times were tough
Money was sparse
But you made it through
As you knew you had to

Your man came Home
He went to work
You raised the children
A job requiring heart

Then one day you received a call
Your husband was in a motorbike crash
Could not be revived
He did not survive
Your heart jumped wildly
You cried and cried
What were you to do?
Your husband not alive

But you made it through
As you knew you would
Because you had to
For the sake of the good

Six children to raise
With no income
Most people would have fallen apart
But you bore on

The youngest children, twins, only two years old
Had to sell the farm
Move somewhere smaller
Move into the suburbs

Money was worse than before
Tried to keep these kids at their school
Living was tough
The fighting was hard but you bore on

One of your kids did go to university
Became a teacher just like she wanted to be
The others all did get respectable jobs
But now you have one other to support

Your smoking brother moved right on in
His smoking habits, he told you he’d quit
But he hadn’t and it was too late
He died not very far from that date r.i.p

Your son and daughters married off
One by one they moved out of Home
Until only the youngest one was left
But she too married and off she went

Each of your children had children of their own
The oldest had six
The second had two
The boy had three girls
The middle had four
And the twins three each

We all came to visit you in your house in the suburbs
We saw you every Birthday, every Christmas
Every Sunday night for dinner you came

But then one awful Monday afternoon
We were in Sydney to visit our cousins and Auntie
Your daughter and grandchildren
We got that awful, horrible call

You had passed away, we don’t know when we didn’t know why
You lived alone, could do everything yourself
Everyone thought you had at least another ten years on you yet
But you had passed away, perhaps banged your head
Lying in your pj’s on the ground next to your bed

Your son, his daughter and her son
Found that Monday
Your son was staying with you
He was getting treated
Kemo therapy for his bad smoking habit

Everybody was rung, your funeral two weeks later
My house full of relatives for the next few days
No privacy could be found
Except at night lying in bed

Right now I want to cry
Im starting to shake
But I cant let it out
I wont let it out
Not here in such a public place

You were born on Christmas day
Only one month more and you would have been eighty-five
You might have been at my house
You never spend Christmas alone
Always with one of your children and their family

Now I won’t see you again
You’re buried under the ground
Not ten minutes walk from my house
But I won’t see you again

We had already bought Christmas and birthday gifts for you Gran
But now you are gone and I won’t see you again.