Don't Smother, No One Can Grow in the Shade

You're smothering me
with your deathly grip,
choking me with your sickly sent,
of cheap cologne and cigarettes.

You've held me back,
you've made me trip,
for all these years.
for every slip.

I nurse my wounds now,
through the night,
hoping that I'll never have to see another day.
of "Can't you ever do anything right?"
Your words,
they sting.
Even more then your slaps.
But once I get out,
I'm not coming back.

'Cause you,
Kept me in this prison,
of judging eyes
and desolation.
With the fear of
inescapable discrimination.
You've trapped me within my own head,
with bars stronger then steel,
that grow denser each day,
from the tears I shed.

I've never seen the sun,
I've never felt the rain.
But, what I do feel,
is my daily pain.

What I've done,
I do not know.
For you to cut me so deep,
I must have acted just so.

You weren't always this way,
I can vaguely remember a day
when your love still lived
and your heart still pumped.

Why can't it just be the way it was
when I was so young,
and care free?
I the days when...
you still loved me.

I don't understand why
you can't love me
That's a question you never answered,
even as I walked out the door.