I Am In Blood

Blood pours over the scenery.
The curtain call has come,
But the Drama Club has reached its limit,
On Massacre 101.

I can't help but wonder,
If the audience heard their screams,
I can't help but know what guilt,
Will befall them at the first scene.

This is how to kill people,
Not knives, guns, and toxins,
But good old fashioned guilt,
Is poison enough for the mind.

They did not venture to guess,
What happened behind the stage.
As I took a crimson blade,
Too many times already stained,
And forced it through their gluttonous guts,
And reached it up to their brain.

They thought the screams were normal,
Of anxiety and panic,
But they weren't wise enough to tell,
What fear pervaded the set.

I only did this to show their hearts,
Why I should have gotten the part.
I only did this to tell them,
Why I am far better than them.

But in the end it didn't matter,
I was still taken away,
Faced to a trial by jury,
And put on Death Row.

I got to say my last words,
And make the Bard turn in his grave.
"I am in blood
Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go o'er."

Quoting Macbeth,
The fcticious man,
With all his ambition,
That inspired me so.
But, oh, how I didn't know what would come next.

I didn't know that it would hurt,
I had never heard.
My insides were soon on fire,
Right when the needle pierced my skin.

Then the hypnotic drawl of a piston screamed,
The second poison sunk in,
This one numbed the fire,
And made my senses fade.

The third however,
Was like a bruise all over my body,
It felt like I could hardly move,
Such was the agony,
That I put myself through.

I am in blood.