
I see a mother mourning her children.
Who am I?
I see an injured boy pleading for my help.
WHO am I?
I see a world offering only its pity.
Who AM I?
yet I still see a sign of hope in a sea of chaos.
I am Haiti. Can you see what I see? Have you stopped watching?
I hear a toddler calling for her mother who will never answer.
I hear the cries of pain as a friend is fighting for their life.
I hear the sound of singing and laughter from my people who will never give up.
I am Haiti, and i ask you, what do you hear? Are you still listening?
Cameras and News Crews arrive by the dozens, so why then does it take so long for the help to reach my people?
People who once mourned and did everything they could to lend a helping hand to my people, have now seemed to turn their attention to something they find more interesting.
I ask you do you find us entertaining? Do you watch the suffering of my people, the pain of my family, as if we are another program on your technicolor box?
My people and I do not ask you to donate your lives savings, to drop everything to help, no, we simply ask for your attention so that the world may know what is truly happening here.
Screaming, crying, gun shots, praying, singing, their tears soak my soil so that I can feel and understand their misery in my very core. Yet in the duration of only a few weeks, it seems the tragedy that shook my land has become old news.
Is it true?
Have you changed the channel?
Or are you still watching?
Is anyone still watching?