letter not to be opened

Small simple lie
Answered with a fucking knife
A knife cutting into me
Past my skin,
Past my veins,
And into my blackened broken heart
Your love is not like anything
Given out to whores who hear the same thing as me
You don't know what it means to love
You don't know what it means to care
And not destroy the very souls of the people who would die for you
You might want to stop
Stop everything
And look at what you've done to me,
To us,
To all of us, not just you and me
Small simple cuts
Detailing my body
Inside and out
But its not a small cut that scabs and heals over time
Its one that bleeds
And I let the red river flow,
Flow, and fill and spill over my sad, betrayed thoughts
Look around you
Your not the only one
Were not the only ones
You might want to stop and think
Before everything weve all worked so hard to build
Before our world
No, before our ESCAPE
Comes crashing down on your shoulders
And the broken glass covers the ground of our safe place
Of our kingdom
Creating a jagged bed you've forced us all to lay in
And the music, OUR music, is silenced by the sound
The sound of our weeping
(you've opened the door we nailed shut, the door we put up to block out the world, the world outside our own)