Like You (Thank You)

You build me up,
Then tear me down.
Praise me, then punish me,
And leave me conflicted.

I admire you, though you don't believe it.
I see the tears behind the emotionless expression.
A culmination of the wrong he did you in and out
Of that little brick house in Piqua,
And the senseless crap the new he puts you through today.

I hear your silent screams and muted weeping.
I know when you speak to me
Just to know someone is listening.
I admit, sometimes I don't care,
And I just want to tell you to suck it up and live with it.
But then I notice your pleading eyes
Almost covered by an angry scowl,
And I leave it alone.

You've taught me how to deal.
I am strong and accepting of my circumstances.
I've got chains of self-control.
I know you hate your daily labor;
Do you know that it inspires me?
To focus on my path ahead.
To build blocks of ambition
And climb them one by one.
To know when it's time to work,
Get it done so I can leave it aside
And enjoy life, not dreading what I do.

I've seen you fall apart,
And it only makes me more faithful,
In hopes that you can encourage yourself
And learn from me as I from you.

But you're not always right, my dear,
Though you like to think so.
You cannot be pleased, did you know?
I try, I try, to no avail.
All you have for me is criticism, and harsh at that.
No wonder I struggle holding the mirror
And self-congratulating my achievements.
But don't be too hard on yourself,
Because I am the same way.
And though not a pleasant way to be,
I look at myself and see you,
So it can't be all bad.

I trust and love, I thank and forgive,
Because of what you have sacrificed.
But I still think you can do better.
A hug? A smile? Any affection for me at all?
I don't ask for that much...
Well, considering you,
And considering me,
Maybe I do.