What Would You Do?

What would you do if you had me for a day?

Would you play with me?

Fuck me?

Throw me away without a word to say?

What would you do if I made you angry?

Beat me?

Scream at me?

Bend me without a blink of an eye?

What would you do if I just said fuck me?

Would you take me there?

Would you not?

Would you just stare and then turn away?

What would you do if I called us friends?

Would we hang out?

Throw parties?

Perhaps watch movies?

What would you do if I said I loved you?

Would you hold me?

Would you kiss me?

Would you say I love you too?

What would would you do if our lives ended today?

Drag race?

Bungee jump off the skyscraper?

What about forget we were ever enemies?

The venomous words we spat at eachother?

And just started anew?

I would turn away, then come back to play.

I would scream at you till my voice was sore.

I would stare, then take you right there.

I would throw parties, and hang out at the movies with you.

I would hold you, and before I kissed you, say I love you too.

I would forget our fueds.

Forget the words I said carelessly in immature rage.

And start anew.

What would you do if I you had me for a day, and I spoke my heart, saying all of that to you?