Death waits for no one.

Lets face the light.
Oh, what a sight!
Sweet breath feels the air.
All I feel is despair.
Its coming to an end.
This timeless sin.
I remember how it all begin.
I was young.
And you were too.
The hatred we felt was all so new.
But defintely true.
You were pretty.
I was not.
So in our lands, our bond would rot.
Tasteless memories.
They remain sour.
I will always remember that restless hour.
We yelled and screamed.
Until tears started to stream.
You took my purpose.
My life.
My living focus.
I begged and begged.
But no compassion.
I waited for the moment.
To take your life.
I had no right.
But I was clouded by delight.
You could not run.
Because death waits for no one.