All I want is my life back..

people will say to me 'he's not worth it' 'you deserve better'
people can say what they want
people can say I deserve better
but the fact of the matter is that I don't want better
I want you.
but this is apparently too much to ask.

they say I'm worth more
they say you didn't deserve me
they can say what they want
because all it boils down to in the end
is that I'm just not good enough
I never was,
I never will be
and it tears me up inside.

if you truly loved me
you wouldn't have lied to me,
you wouldn't have said that you couldn't hold a relationship together
yet be in one two weeks later
if you truly knew me
you'd have looked in my eyes and seen everything
you'd have seen the tears being held back
you'd have seen the terror
the confusion and the loneliness
you'd have saved me,
not just abandoned me

you can say all you want about me
you can do all you want to try and save me
but it's all too late now
I'm too far gone o be saved
there is only one thing you could ever possibly do
and that's mend my heart
but she holds your heart now
and you can't even look me in the eyes
let alone see into my eyes
nothing can ever replace you
and to be quite frank I don't WANT anything to replace you
all I want is my heart back
all I want is my soul back
all I want is my happiness back
all I want is my life back
but this is all too much to ask </3