Play, fast forward, pause, rewind

Smile today like any other day.
Scream because you're sopposed to be happy.
Because this rollar coaster won't stop riding the tracks,
With the loose ends not meeting, it won't end.
It goes passed start, do not collect two hundred.
No get out of jail free card either, you're stuck.
Riding 'round and 'round with no one to help you off.
Scream because you're sopposed to be scared.
The adrenalin rush makes you feel like you'll end it yourself.
With the world enjoying the show, it won't end.
It goes passed start, do not collect two hundred.
No get out of jail free card...
You're stuck.
Sticking to the bottom of someones shoe.
Sticking like peanut butter on the roofs of their mouths.
Stand like you're on the top of the CN Tower,
And scream like it's not okay.'
Scream like you're sopposed to, scream to let it all out.
Or smile like any other day.
It goes passed start, do not collect two hundred.
No get out of jail free card either,
You're stuck.
Play, fast forward, pause, rewind..