
You see it,
Probably as obvious as I do.
Things are not the same.
I don't think they ever will be.
But if one day,
I happen across...
Skyway Avenue,
I'll call you.
It'll be all but memories,
Faded and gone.
I'm sorry all our promises have...
From where we held them high,
They don't seem as important anymore.
Are they?
You have him,
You don't need me to lean on anymore.
I'll say this,
I don't regret a bit,
Of anything that happened.
It was drama,
Part of life.
Nothing can change that.
Past is tense,
Present was then,
Future is never.
What happened?
Our support beams,
But its not something we hadn't anticipated.
We're both completely fine.
And that's the truth.
I'm sorry I wasn't a better support...
And I'm almost sorry it crashed.
But if it hadn't,
We wouldn't be here,
So kudos to our crash.
You see it,
Probably as obvious as I do.
Things are not the same.
I don't think they ever will be.
But if I ever happen across an old nursing home,
On a certain Skyway Avenue,
I'll call you, even though it'll be nothing but a faded memory.
♠ ♠ ♠
Old friendships die... Life is like that.